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Workshop CNL

During the seventh edition of the Workshop Controlled Natural Language, which was held in Amsterdam in 2021, three papers were published to which Tax and Customs Administration employees contributed and which describe matters related to the RegelSpraak taal of the Tax Authorities.

Paper 1 is entitled RegelSpraak: a CNL for Executable Tax Rules Specification. This paper is the result of a collaboration between the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen and the Tax Authorities and provides an overview of the history of Regelspraak, the characteristics of its use with an emphasis on the double approach of the language, namely both legible for lawyers and interpretable by computers.

Paper 2 is entitled A quality evaluation framework for a CNL for agile law execution. This paper originated from a collaboration between the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen and the Tax Authorities and describes a research that has taken place into a quality framework for RegelSpraak patterns. The paper elaborates on the various aspects that play a role in the quality of controlled natural languages ​​and RegelSpraak in particular.

Paper 3 is entitled Toward a Reference Architecture for Traceability in SBVR-based Systems. This paper is the result of a collaboration with the Open University. The paper provides the impetus for an initial reference architecture for implementing traceability in systems based on controlled natural languages ​​such as SBVR. The paper is intended as a starting point for further research that will be conducted at the Open University.